flying dove

We are thankful for other agencies that provide supportive services for the women served by PACM.  Please consider supporting the good work done by these organizations!



Hubzone Technology Iniative provides re-purposed laptop computers at no cost to residents of Grace Home.  This is an invaluable tool from the moment they arrive for job searches, education, email general information access,, and many other purposes.

If you have laptop computers that you no longer use, please consider donating them to HTI.

HTI promo

Grace Home Director Robin Thorne (center) receives laptops from Hubzone Technologies

Hubzone Technologies Initiative


StepUp Ministries' employment assistance and Life Skills education programs are a tremendous resources for women seeking to re-establish their lives.  PACM has made participation in these StepUp programs manditory for Grace Home residents.

StepUp promo

Grace Home residents graduate StepUp Life Skills!

StepUp Ministries


(Click the logos for more information)